Expand to view more details.The manufacturer's recommended retail price at the time of data collection.
enter value/s in increments of 1 between 38890 and 351000
Car body
EV's, just like any other car, come in sedan, hatch (sometimes referred to a as a wagon), SUV and van varieties.
Range score
This is based on the real-world range where available, or where it can be derived from the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) or New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) range.
enter value/s in increments of i between 55 and 90
Battery warranty score
This is based on the claimed length (in years) of manufacturer battery warranty.
enter value/s in increments of i between 50 and 95
Running cost score
This is based on the cost to run the car (real-world vehicle efficiency and an electricity cost of 40c/kWh) over 14,000km per year.
enter value/s in increments of i between 50 and 95
ANCAP rating
The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) safety rating in stars, provided where available. "Not tested" means an EV is yet to be tested.
Euro NCAP rating
The European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) safety rating in stars, provided where available. "Not tested" means an EV is yet to be tested, while "N/A" means ANCAP has provided a rating.
NSW subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in New South Wales, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
Qld subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in Queensland, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
WA subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in Western Australia, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
NT subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in the Northern Territory, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
SA subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in South Australia, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
Tas subsidy eligible
The local subsidy eligibility status for electric vehicles sold in Tasmania, as of August 2023. This is based on the incentives on offer within each state/territory and the price caps set by their respective governments.
Real-world range (km)
This is based on feedback from people who own the car, or where that wasn't available (for instance, newer models), the data was derived from official figures about range. Measured in kilometres.
enter value/s in increments of i between 170 and 565
Cost to run per year
This amount is based on EV efficiency over 14,000km in a year, at an electricity rate of 40 cents per kilowatt.
enter value/s in increments of i between 795.2 and 1982.4
Real-world efficiency (Wh/km)
This refers to battery usage in an EV, measured in watt-hours per kilometre (like litres per kilometre for regular petrol vehicles). It's based on the usable battery capacity and the real-world range of the EV.
enter value/s in increments of i between 142 and 354
Fast charge time 10-80% (min)
This refers to how many minutes it takes the EV battery to be fast-charged from 10% to 80%.
enter value/s in increments of i between 16 and 82
Kerb weight (kg)
The mass (in kilograms) of the unoccupied and unladen EV. Provided where available.
enter value/s in increments of i between 1365 and 2715
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
V2G is the vehicle-to-grid capability of the EV, which allows the EV battery to be used to supply power to the grid in case of low power available in the grid.
Vehicle-to-home (V2H)
V2H is the vehicle-to-home capability of the EV, which allows the EV battery to be used to power your home in case of emergency.
Vehicle-to-load (V2L)
V2L is vehicle-to-load capability of the EV, which allows the EV battery to be used to power tools, fridges or campsites when on the road.
Included in this review
- CHOICE Expert Rating
- Range score
- Fast charge score
- Running cost score
- Battery warranty score
- Vehicle efficiency score
- NSW on-road costs
- Vic on-road costs
- Qld on-road costs
- ACT on-road costs
- SA on-road costs
- Tas on-road costs
- WA on-road costs
- NT on-road costs
- NSW subsidy eligible
- Vic subsidy eligible
- Qld subsidy eligible
- ACT subsidy eligible
- SA subsidy eligible
- Tas subsidy eligible
- WA subsidy eligible
- NT subsidy eligible
- Australian release forecast 2023
- Australian release forecast 2024
- Australian release forecast 2025
- Range WLTP (km)
- Real-world range (km)
- Claimed efficiency (Wh/km)
- Real-world efficiency (Wh/km)
- Cost to run per year
- Total battery capacity (kWh)
- Usable battery capacity (kWh)
- Charge power (kW)
- AC charge times 10-100% (hours)
- Fastcharge Time 50 kW Charger
- Fast charge time 10-80% (min)
- Australian fast charge time 20-80% (min)
- Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
- Vehicle-to-home (V2H)
- Vehicle-to-load (V2L)
- Kerb weight (kg)
- Model year
- Price
- Estimated delivery time
- Model warranty
- Battery warranty
- Number of seats
- Number of doors
- Braked towing capacity (kg)
- Unbraked towing capacity (kg)
- ANCAP rating
- Euro NCAP rating
- Top speed (km/h)
- Acceleration 0-100 (km/h, sec)
- Torque (Nm)
- Power (kW)
- Length (mm)
- Width (mm)
- Height (mm)
- Cargo volume with seats up (L)
- Cargo volume with seats down (L)
- Gross vehicle mass (kg)
- Ground clearance (mm)
- Country of origin