Expand to view more details.Entry-level subscription price per month. For Google Play, YouTube and Apple TV, monthly fees are based on one third of a purchased TV series and one rented movie per month.
enter value/s in increments of 1 between 0 and 35
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Type of service
- Subscription services give you unlimited access to a TV/movie content library for a monthly or annual fee.
- Rent or buy services let you access individual movies and shows as a one-time purchase. Rentals expire and purchases are added to your account for repeat viewing.
- Free-to-air aka catch-up services let you watch broadcast content after it's aired for free, and some of these services offer online-only content.
Live sport
4K UHD, HDR support
4K or UHD (ultra-high definition) resolution is defined as 3840 by 2160 pixels. Most 4K streams also support high dynamic range, either HDR10, HDR10+ and/or Dolby Vision, though there are exceptions. This may require a premium account and will only work on supported devices.
Offline mode (mobile)
Some services let you download content to watch offline. It typically expires after 48 hours.
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Entry-level max simultaneous streams
How many video streams can be run simultaneously with "entry-level" price at any one time across multiple devices?
enter value/s in increments of i between 1 and 4
Mid-range max simultaneous streams
How many video streams can be run simultaneously with "mid-range" price at any one time across multiple devices?
enter value/s in increments of i between 2 and 3
Premium max simultaneous streams
How many video streams can be run simultaneously with "premium" price at any one time across multiple devices?
enter value/s in increments of i between 2 and 4
Cast to Chromecast
Can you cast to a Google Chromecast from a mobile device, PC or laptop?
Android app
Can you access the service on an Android device?
iOS app
Can you access the service on an iPhone or iPad?
Windows app
Can you download a dedicated Windows app?
Mac app
Can you download a dedicated Mac app?
PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5
Can you access the service on a PlayStation? Google Play Movies and TV purchases can be accessed in the YouTube app by using the same Google account.
Xbox One/Xbox Series
Can you access the service on an Xbox? Google Play Movies and TV purchases can be accessed in the YouTube app by using the same Google account.
Nintendo Switch
Can you access the service on a Nintendo Switch? Google Play Movies and TV purchases can be accessed in the YouTube app by using the same Google account.
Included in this review
- Price
- Overall score
- Entry-level price per month
- Mid-range price per month
- Premium price per month
- Annual subscription
- Layout and stability score
- What to watch score
- Sign up and cancel score
- Playback control score
- Shop Ethical rating
- Free trial period – days
- Max authorised devices
- Entry-level max simultaneous streams
- Mid-range max simultaneous streams
- Premium max simultaneous streams
- User profiles
- Kid friendly profiles
- Content restriction or family controls
- 4K UHD support
- Downloadable content for mobile
- Live TV
- Live sport
- Sports shown
- Premiere early access content
- Smart TV
- Cast to chromecast
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- Mac
- Browser
- PlayStation
- Xbox
- Nintendo switch
- Ad supported
- Pay with a gift card
- Contact
- Service summary
- Good points
- Bad points
- Recommended