I've always been interested in food. Before coming to CHOICE I lived overseas, working predominantly in hospitality when I wasn't travelling and eating my way through various cuisines. I hold a Master of Science in Nutrition from King's College London (where I also researched and wrote for our UK sister organisation, Which?), and a Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences from the University of Adelaide.
During my time working at CHOICE my core focus has been on food and nutrition, from reviewing breakfast cereals and fast food to dispelling myths about the benefits of detox kits and gourmet salt or translating confusing food labels. And with the occasional taste test thrown in for good measure – sampling food is a definite perk of the job.
In 2017 I won the Dietitians Association of Australia's Nutrition Journalism Award and I'm currently on the Steering Committee as a Parent Member of Parents' Voice. As a mum of three young children, my interest in good food and nutrition has only increased, but separating the good from the bad isn't always obvious. It shouldn't be the case, but food has become complicated. My mission is to help consumers navigate through the issues.