I joined CHOICE in 2016, initially as a fact-checker and verifier – a role in which I was able to transfer my skills from my previous career in academia and qualitative health research to ensuring CHOICE publishes the highest quality information and data.
I then spent three years with the Money and Travel team working behind the scenes as a data analyst on our insurance comparisons and articles. I was proudly part of the team that built CHOICE's independent and comprehensive health insurance comparison tool that has ensured thousands of Australians have the right level of health insurance cover without getting ripped off.
During my time with the Money and Travel team, I led the digital transformation of data collection for our insurance comparisons by implementing robotic process automation – a change necessitated by the rapid transformation of insurance along with other financial services. In that role, I saw firsthand how businesses are using increasingly sophisticated technologies to design, personalise and price their products and services – and not always to the benefit of their customers.
That's why I've taken on the role of consumer data advocate in the newly created Consumer Data team. In many ways, digital markets are no different to the bricks and mortar stores we're all familiar with; we are working towards Australians enjoying the same rights and safeties as they expect from traditional markets. The opportunity to fight for fairness and safety for all people, regardless of their technical knowledge, is what excites me about working for CHOICE as a consumer data advocate.
Before CHOICE, I worked as an academic at the University of Technology, Sydney where I gained a Doctor of Philosophy. I also have a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Tasmania, with First Class Honours from the University of New South Wales.